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The Job Fair Tampere event fills the Tampere-talo on October 26


The English-language Job Fair Tampere recruitment event is coming bigger than ever. The event will take place for the third time on October 26, 2023, and for the first time, it will be held at Tampere-talo. The event is organised by International House Tampere and Pirkanmaa TE Services. Employers can register for the event until 17.10.

Multilingual info Mainio turns 15 - Open House on September 29


The City of Tampere's Multilingual info Mainio has been serving foreign-speaking customers in 10-16 languages ​​to comprehensively promote integration, employment and well-being for 15 years, since 2008. Mainio welcomes everyone to celebrate its 15 years of advising at the Open House event. Meet native language advisors, learn about their integration work, participate in the Multilingual Quiz, and try your luck with the Wheel of Fortune!

The City of Tampere is taking part in the social impact campaign called Muutostöissä


A shift in mindset is required to ensure that Finnish working life remains competitive and achieves cultural equality. The "Muutostöissä" campaign, starting on the 5th of September, will bring attention to the barriers that hinder a culturally diverse working life: ignorance, biases, and beliefs. The City of Tampere's International House is one of the organisations taking part in the campaign.

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