Spouse Programme – Jobs for International Spouses

Support in settling in and finding employment opportunities for international spouses!

The Spouse Programme is designed to help the spouses of those who are working or coming to work in the Tampere region. It is intended for spouses who are not yet residing in Finland.

Our free-of-charge programme provides support in official matters and relocation, guidance to Finnish language studies, job opportunities, and education options to help international spouses transition smoothly to their new home in Tampere.

The Spouse Programme is for you if:

  • your spouse is working or coming to work in the Tampere region, and
  • you want to move to Tampere region, Finland from abroad, and
  • you are looking for a job or support with settling in the area.
Apply here

Services For International Spouses

Are you interested? Apply now!

If your spouse is working or coming to work in the Tampere region, and you would like our help in moving and finding work in Tampere, apply for our assistance now! This service has a limited number of available spots.

Apply here


Are you hiring, or have you recently hired employees outside of Finland? We can support your international employees’ spouses in settling in Tampere, and help you ensure employees’ commitment to your company!

Employees with strong social networks are more committed to their jobs and employers. It is crucial to ensure that the employee’s family settle in their new home country and city. This is the key to transforming successful recruitment into long-term employment.

Recommending the Spouse Programme to your international employees can greatly benefit their transition to Tampere. By providing support to both your employee and their family, you can promote a positive experience as they start their new life in Tampere. It is crucial to prioritize their integration and ensure that their spouses have access to the necessary resources to settle in comfortably.

In Collaboration

Contact us for help

Service Director, Arffman Oy

Maaria Hytönen

International Spouse Programme

Business Coordinator

Karen Ahtiainen

Talent attraction activities and international mobility.