Learning Finnish
On this page, you can find a list of websites where you can search for courses and places for studying Finnish in the Tampere city region.
- In the Finnishcourses.fi service, you can search for Finnish and Swedish language courses. When you choose your location and current level, the website will show you the courses that match your status.
- Työpaikkasuomi courses are the service providers in ELY Centres’ list, which means % of fees could be supported by ELY for the companies. These courses are catered to the job types.
- SIMHE – Learning Finnish Language is aimed for people who wants to start studying higher education in Finnish. You can take a test to check your level to see if it’s good enough for academic.
- Learn Finnish – Naistari. Naistari’s courses are for women only.
- Didaskalos – Learn Finnish language, culture and everyday transactions!
- Tampere United Methodist Church – Finnish course for beginners & Finnish conversation group.
- Ahjola – Finnish courses from beginner’s level A1 to level C1, in four locations as well as online. You can also search for their courses using their search tool.
- RedNet (PunainenRisti) organises free courses for beginners.
- Onnenkieli Oy – A suggestopedic Finnish language courses.
- Luetaan Yhdessä – Let’s Read Together is a national network that support immigrants’, especially women’s, Finnish language skills and integration. The network offers Finnish and Swedish teaching to immigrants all around Finland. Let’s Read Together groups gather once a week for about two hours. They have also online study groups. Studying is free.
- The Summer University of Tampere organises courses for different levels.
- UniTandem provides higher education students in Finland with a chance to learn languages and cultures through tandem learning. Only available for University students, free of charge.
- Tredu – Suomen kieltä ja kulttuuria – Finnish language and culture for immigrants. For residents of Tampere that have attended school in their own country and can read the Latin alphabet.
- Edunation Finnish Courses – Courses with a focus on studying and working in Finland. Designed for those who live abroad and are looking to move to Finland or those already residing in the country.
- Adult Education Centre of the Tampere region offers several levels of courses. Registering for courses is preferably done online. However, it is also possible to register by phoning the college office. Residents of Tampere and Ylöjärvi, over the age of 67 can apply for and receive a 30% discount on one course, per term. An unemployed person from Tampere or Ylöjärvi receiving Kela benefits may apply for a study voucher to cover the fees for one course per semester.
- Suomi-Hub kieli by Arffman, Finnish courses in various levels online. Students can choose what classes to attend and there are classes throughout the day, all 7 days of the week. Paid.
Other Useful Information
Why should I study Finnish or Swedish? (infofinland.fi)
Studying Finnish (infofinland.fi)
Finnish online (infofinland.fi)