Find International Talent Locally

International talent doesn’t always have to be sought from far away. Our recruitment coordinators search and present candidates according to your needs. Just contact one of our coordinators and we will find the best options for you. You can find our contact details below. In addition, we organise recruitment events and provide financial support for your recruitment.
Our recruitment services are free of charge and they cover:
• Candidate introductions and searches to help you find the experts you need
• Financial support to help you hire workers
• Counselling on filling in contracts and applications related to employment
• Recruitment events
• Information concerning job seekers and the labour market situation in various fields
• Workplace videos to support recruitment
More information about the City of Tampere recruitment services
Student cooperation is an excellent way to find new talents for your company or organisation. You can reach students through our partners Tampere University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, and Tampere Vocational College Tredu.
Job Fair Tampere event is free of charge, and open to all companies based in the Tampere region (Pirkanmaa), regardless of the industry or the size of the organisation. It is an excellent opportunity for the employer to get to know the talents in the area and find new employees. In the Job Fair Tampere, you can advertise especially those open jobs that do not require excellent Finnish language skills. The official event language is English.
Pulla Perjantai is a networking event between a company and the participants to get to know the company’s business, hiring process, and working culture. For a company, it is a great opportunity to find and meet hidden talents in the area and improve your employer image. We organise Pulla Perjantai once a month. Contact us to become one of the Pulla Perjantai companies! Check out the upcoming Pulla Perjantai events at News and Events – International House Tampere.
Yrityspäivät job fair is Finland’s largest networking and recruitment event for university students. Every year over a hundred companies attend the event to find motivated students.
Gateway to Working Life (Portti Työelämään) is a recruiting event for TAMK students where local and national organizations come to TAMK to meet their future talents.
Recruitment Coordinator
Riho Laurisaar
International recruitment advice, and candidate introductions and searches to your need.