
Welcome to Tampere

Relocation guide to Tampere

The City of Tampere’s relocation guide provides essential information for newcomers, covering topics such as moving, living, working, studying, leisure activities, and family life in Tampere.

Relocation guide to Tampere (

Support and services for settling, learning, and thriving

International House Tampere Employment services

We are responsible for providing statutory employment services. We offer advice and guidance on employment, education, and integration. Our clients include all non-Finnish-speaking residents of Tampere. Additionally, we serve job seekers in their integration period as well as working-age clients outside the labor force in the Tampere region employment area.

Employment services (

International House Tampere Integration services

International House Tampere Integration Services organizes the reception of refugees in Tampere. They support their clients in settling into Tampere and Finland, and offer guidance on authority services in the early stages of the integration process. The goal is to ensure the ease of the early stages of integration.

Integration services (

Boost your career in Tampere

5 steps to boost your career and help you on your way to employment in Tampere, Finland! These five steps are designed to support especially skilled international jobseekers.​ The Career Boost content will benefit you if you are already living in Finland or want to move here.​

The steps include tips for creating a professional profile and networking, information on employment services, and financial support to boost your career in Tampere.

Boost your career in Tampere (

Higher education studies and career counselling

SIMHE (Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education in Finland) counseling is for you if you already live in Finland and have completed an upper secondary education, studied in higher education, or completed a higher education degree. SIMHE counseling offers you information on applications for higher education and related study possibilities as well as helps you recognize your prior learning. You can discuss your situation and plans with a SIMHE counselor.

SIMHE services

Check our Upcoming Events

Pulla Perjantai Networking Event

Work and entrepreneur


10.00 - 11.30



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Welcome to Tampere Event

Work and entrepreneur


15.00 - 17.00

International House Tampere, Rautatienkatu 10, 33100 Tampere


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Int'l Recruitment Partners – B2B Breakfast

International House Tampere


08.30 - 12.00

Finlaysonin alue, Finlaysoninkatu 33210 Tampere

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News and Articles

Job Fair Tampere

14.10.2024 What is “Kohtaanto” and why is it important? I learned an interesting word in Finnish recently that is very important for international jobseekers and companies…

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